Baby It’s Cold Outside!


It’s that time of year again – the time where we curl up with our warm drinks, our blankets and flick the tv over … But what if winter was more? What if we told you that keeping active in Winter is a thing?! That the old saying #SummerBodiesAreMadeInWinter is true. A combination of staying healthy in winter and keeping on top of your fitness goals is how you prep for your Summer adventures!

You're scrolling on Instagram, looking for motivation to get out and try something fun, meet new people, sussing out the latest trends in the #fitspo world. You feel you lack the drive or motivation to get up and go, your mojo is slipping and you are reaching for the warmth and comfort of your couch – this is when the excuses start to come in…

  • Excuse: “It’s cold outside’

    • Solution: We are an indoor fitness studio! Our warm ups will have you forgetting the cold in less than 10minutes.

  • Excuse: “It’s too hard to get out of bed on cold, dark mornings”

    • Solution: Not only is keeping active in Winter beneficial for your mental and physical health, it also reduces your chances of catching a cold or the flu. Some would even say its better exercising in winter – come wrapped up in your winter woollies and you will be removing the layers in no time!

  • Excuse: “It’s cold, my mojo is gone and the fire to go regularly has gone”

    • Solution: Summer bodies really are made in winter! In Summer it is easy to stay motivated when we want to rock cooler, lighter clothing and survive the Australian heat. In Winter it is the opposite, we layer up and hide in the warmth of whatever we can find to keep the chill at bay. By changing up your usual fitness activity, your passion to attend regularly will return and you may even find a drive to push further than you originally thought.

How to get active and STAY active in winter with pole dancing classes...

All of these excuses can easily be shaken, so why not start with a new Winter indoor activity? If you want to give pole dancing a try, why not sign up for a free Trial Class at Queens of Pole Fitness & Dance today!


Get Your Grip!